Estoy simplemente hasta las pelotas de que nos intenten inyectar la mierda del puritanismo Estadounidense de los cojones por la tele, cuando viendo un video de KORN, Evolution en Fly Music (TDT Español), me ponen parte de la canción con las famosas partes de silencio cuando se escucha
mother fuckers (cabrones, hijos de puta)
en algunas partes de la letra. Me parece de puta madre que los gilipollas que ponen la música tengan sus putos propios criterios a la hora de emitir la mierda que programan todos los días, pero que no nos vengan a dar lecciones de cómo cojones tenemos que hablar en España aquellos que sabemos entender un poco el inglés, y si no que no programen grupos que tengan dicho lenguaje soez según sus putos criterios de aleccionadores nacional-católicos-socialistas.
Hasta las pelotas de que ahora la puta caja tonta venga a darme lecciones de educación en esta mierda de invento que llaman TDT (por cierto de las pocas cadenas que se salvan dentro de la mierda de programación que tiene la TDT)...
I'm digging with my fingertips, I'm gripping at the ground I stand upon. I'm searching for fragile bones. (Evolution)
I'm never gonna be refined; keep trying but I won't assimilate. Sure, we have come far in time... (Watch the bough break)
And I'm sorry I don't believe, by the evidence that I see, that there's any hope left for me... It's evolution! Just evolution!
And I, I do not dare deny the basic beast inside; it's right here, it's controlling my mind! And why do I deserve to die? I'm dominated by this animal that's locked up inside!
Close up to get a real good view, I'm betting that the species will survive. Hold tight, I'm getting inside you... (Evolution)
And when we're gonna find these bones, they're gonna want to keep them in a jar. The number one virus, caused by procreation.
And the planet may go astray; in a million years they'll say: "Those mother fuckers were all deranged!" It's evolution! Just evolution!
And I, I do not dare deny the basic beast inside; it's right here, it's controlling my mind! And why do I deserve to die? I'm dominated by this animal that's locked up inside!
Take a look around... (take a look around...) Nothing much has changed! Take a look around... (take a look around...) Nothing much has changed! Take a look around! Take a look around! Take a look around! Nothing much has changed! Take a look around! Take a look around! Nothing much has changed! Take a look around! Take a look around! Nothing much has changed! Take a look around!
I, I do not dare deny the basic beast inside; it's right here, it's controlling my mind! And why do I deserve to die? I'm dominated by this animal that's locked up inside
Why? (why.) (why) (why) Why do I deserve to die? (do i deserve to die) (Why? Why? Why?)
1 comentario:
Recorcholis, esto no pasaba en los tebeos de Roberto A. Y Pedrín... sería porque eran claramente gueis de esos.
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